impounded car

If a stolen car is found then impounded, who pays the impound fees?

Ring 0161 388 2552 for impounded car insurance quotes and advice now!

The world of car insurance is puzzling enough; but what is the situation for stolen vehicles that are later found and impounded? Who pays for all the subsequent fees and charges?

Understanding Comprehensive Cover

In order to fully appreciate the landscape of insurance cover for stolen cars, one must first grasp the concept of Comprehensive Cover. This form of insurance provides the broadest level of protection for your vehicle, covering incidents such as theft, vandalism, fire, and natural disasters. In the UK, if your car is stolen and subsequently located and impounded, your comprehensive cover should typically step in to cover the associated costs.

Theft and Insurance Cover

If your car is stolen, the first step is to report the theft to the police and your insurance company as promptly as possible. If the police find your stolen car and impound it, the costs incurred, including storage and retrieval, can be significant, so it's essential to understand that these costs may be covered under the terms of your comprehensive car insurance policy. However, each insurance company might interpret the coverage differently, and there may be limits to the amount they will pay.

Case Law Surrounding Stolen Cars and Impoundment

Examining relevant case law can provide valuable insight into how insurance policies for stolen, subsequently located and impounded vehicles function. A key case in this realm is that of Roberts v. RSA [2015] EWCA Civ 686.

In this case, the claimant's vehicle was stolen and later found by the police. The vehicle was then impounded, but the claimant was unable to cover the costs to release it and argued that these costs should be covered by their comprehensive insurance policy. The court held that the insurance policy did indeed cover such costs, as the vehicle's impoundment was directly related to the theft.

The Roberts case serves as an important precedent, suggesting that insurance companies should cover impoundment costs in cases where the vehicle has been stolen. However, the interpretation may vary from one insurance company to another, and it's important to check your specific policy terms and conditions.

Policy Limits and Exclusions

Whilst comprehensive coverage can provide protection in the event of theft, including when the car is subsequently found and impounded, there are policy limits and exclusions to be aware of.

Most insurance policies will have a 'policy limit', which is the maximum amount the insurer will pay out for a covered loss. If the costs to recover your vehicle from impound exceed this limit, you may have to pay the difference out of your own pocket.

Moreover, exclusions are certain circumstances or situations for which the policy will not provide cover. For example, if the car was stolen by a family member or someone living in the same household, the theft may not be covered owing to a 'known person' exclusion in many policies.

Lastly, there may be a time limit for claiming the costs of recovering an impounded vehicle. If you delay reporting the theft or don't claim the impoundment costs within the specified time, you might not be covered.

Engaging with Your Insurer

Maintaining open communication with your insurer is paramount if your vehicle is stolen. Should your stolen car be found and impounded, inform your insurer promptly to begin the claim process. Equally important is to discuss your policy's extent and the cover it provides for such scenarios. Remember, each policy differs, and what might be standard in one could be an add-on or exclusion in another.

Challenging an Insurer's Decision

In the event of a disagreement with your insurer over a claim related to an impounded stolen vehicle, there are measures you can take. Refer to the complaints procedure outlined in your policy documents and follow the steps listed. If you're not satisfied with the response, you can escalate your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. The aforementioned Roberts v. RSA case illustrates how legal precedent may be referenced when challenging an insurer's decision.

Future of Car Insurance Cover

The landscape of car insurance is not static; it evolves in response to changing societal norms, technological advancements, and legal precedents. For instance, with the increase in car-sharing and ride-hailing services, we may see a rise in cases involving stolen vehicles that are not owned by the driver. How insurance companies will adapt their policies to these new realities remains to be seen, thus underlining the importance of staying updated on trends in car insurance.


Comprehensive car insurance can offer substantial protection should your vehicle be stolen and subsequently found and impounded. Nevertheless, the extent of cover depends on your specific policy, highlighting the importance of understanding it's details.

Ring 0161 388 2552 for impounded car insurance quotes and advice now!